
KOOL offers a variety of academic advising options for our students:



All of our K-7 students and parents meet with their teacher upon enrollment with @KOOL.  Parents and students are given the opportunity to discuss personalized learning, learning goals, and program requirements.  This initial one-on-one session is used to create the yearly student learning plan and to learn more about the flexibility of the elementary program.  Students and parents will continue to meet with their teacher on a regular basis throughout the year.



Upon enrollment in the @KOOL Middle School Program, all of our Grade 8-9 students and parents meet with our middle school program teachers.  This is an opportunity to meet the teacher in a face-to-face environment and to discuss personalized learning, learning goals, and program requirements.  This initial one-on-one session is used to create the yearly student learning plan and to learn more about the flexibility of the middle school program.  Students and parents will continue to meet with middle school teachers on a regular basis throughout the year.



Senior students may choose to cross enroll with @KOOL from their home school.  If students are cross-enrolled, their counselor at their home school will be available to advise them on their academic needs.  Full time @KOOL senior students will have the opportunity to meet with our Academic Advisor, Mr. Tyson McMillan, upon enrollment and throughout the year.  It is recommended that full time @KOOL students set up an appointment to meet with Mr. McMillan to ensure that they are enrolled in the appropriate courses for graduation.  These meetings provide a time to discuss goals for after graduation as well as the opportunity to discuss the variety of programs offered throughout our district and British Columbia.



Adult students are able to enroll in @KOOL’s Adult Graduation Program.  Upon the completion of your online application, it is recommended that you set up an appointment to meet with our Vice Principal, Mrs. Laurel Seafoot.  This appointment provides you with the opportunity to discuss the adult graduation program and to determine which courses/credits you will need to complete this program.   There are many prior learning experiences that may bring you closer than you think to graduation day, so be sure to book an advising appointment with Mrs. Seafoot.

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